Of course, there are other causes of hair loss such as alopecia and other types of cancer where chemotherapy is given. However, since I had breast cancer, I would like to share with you my thoughts and experiences on the subject. “Breast cancer diagnosis”
My first thought after diagnosis was "WHY did I get breast cancer?" Of course, at the same time I was very afraid of this disease, as it is associated with death and death in society. Since I had previously dealt with “wishes for the universe” and positive affirmations, it was clear to me that I had to get out of the victim role and keep my positive, life-affirming attitude. I have the feeling that people who deal with the disease positively (as well as possible) and have a positive attitude towards treatment (which in my case was chemotherapy and radiation therapy) put it better away than people who say from the start " I will be too weak, I will not do this, I will not be able to do it ”.
What causes cancer?
First, the doctors ask if there have ever been one or more cases of breast cancer in the family. That would be such a wonderfully simple answer. "It's in your genes." But what if that's not the case like me? Then this answer is dropped. The doctors, or at least the ones I met, are usually at a loss. Then the answer is “Everyone has cancer cells and normally the immune system keeps them in check. In some people, however, the immune system cannot do this and the cancer cells start to proliferate. ” In other words, “Six correct plus super number”. So we all play in the Cancer Lotto and the lucky winner (of which there are always more) was unlucky. We can only hope that our immune system is always strong enough to keep the cells in well. A doctor may get involved in the fact that too much stress could be one of the causes. If you haven't heard a), b) or c), then you will simply have been told that you don't know that exactly. In other words. One does not know. Welcome to the 21st century!
What can I do to get well?
Nothing. Just take the hard chemical medication, get a high dose and then hope it doesn't come back. Maybe one will say, but this must be an open-minded school doctor that you can think positively. That if the chemical medication flows into your body, you should not think of it as nasty medicine, it may make you feel bad, but as a small army that penetrates your body and falls with every hair, also a cancer cell is less in your body. "Can I eat any specific foods that help my body break down cancer?" - The answer to that? "No." Moment…. So when I smoke, drink, eat unhealthily, it has a significant impact on my body. Clearly negative and ill effects! And the world is so bad that everything is only getting worse but you can't influence things positively? Admittedly. There are many things that cannot be explained logically. But, please think about it logically.
1. Conclusion
You were just unlucky and now a life-threatening illness. Unfortunately, apart from relying on conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, you cannot do anything to support your body in healing or to stay healthy later.
Quite sobering, isn't it? But is that also true?
How does cancer actually develop?
We have already explained what conventional medicine says about this above. If you think that man is just his body, then everything may be just right. But there are also a lot of medical directions, such as in Ayurvedic medicine, which is about us being a three-part being. Consisting of body, mind and soul. I know the same thing, for example, from the aura treatments that I made for the first time at the beginning of my diagnosis in July 2011. It says that diseases first manifest themselves in the human energy system. So it starts with small blocks first. If you do not solve them and make the life energy flow again, then these blockages can in turn manifest as a disease in the body. The doctor and psychotherapist Rüdiger Dahlke gets to the point with his lecture “Disease as Language of the Soul”. I would like to introduce this video, or the first part of it, to you in order to be able to keep it short here. [
How does breast cancer develop?
At the beginning of my diagnosis and also afterwards, I was repeatedly told the following. First of all, it depends on where a cancer manifests itself. The breast stands for security, motherliness, that nourish. The causes are often conflicts in relationships. Be it a family side or a private relationship with a partner or self-love. "Do you feed and take care of yourself?" Of course, it is not the case that you have a conflict and you must be afraid of developing breast cancer immediately. Such an illness or the conflict and / or the blockade usually extends over a longer period of time. There are also various videos and lectures on YouTube, for example.
Whether Kurt Tepperwein, Robert Betz, Louise Hay or others. It always boils down to calling everything into our lives that happens to us. Yes, cancer too. But if so, then we can heal ourselves.
Also highly recommended are books by Bruce Lipton or David Hamilton, as well as the book “The Healing Code”. I would also highly recommend reading Joe Dispenza.
And how do I resolve my conflicts?
There you are now. Diagnosis cancer. There is talk of self-love and conflict and of the inner child. The only thing I understood at the beginning was “conflict”. Yes, there could be one or the other, but it goes back further. At the time of the diagnosis or before that, I was doing pretty well. For the first time I had the feeling that everything was slowly going its way. Professional, private, family. Except for professional stress because I was so wise to work every day for several weeks, you could miss a customer or an order, I felt great. But it sizzles a lot under the surface. So, back to the past. To put it briefly, there was a lot. The past led me to the inner child first. How am I supposed to please an imaginary cure little Julie? It took me a year to understand what it meant and I had to read a lot and listen to a lot (I love listening to audio books) before I got any idea.
If you want to solve your conflicts, you first have to deal with yourself and deal with it. On the one hand, that's great because you learn a lot about yourself and the world. On the other hand, it is often painful. And then there is the chapter on self-love. Before the diagnosis, I never dealt with this topic and even in the early days it was difficult for me to understand what it was all about. Self-love is not just about saying "I look good and that's why I love myself". It is about accepting and loving everything that is in you unconditionally. All feelings can be there. Everything that is can be there. Of course, this is difficult after you have been diagnosed with cancer. My first impulse was “away, away, away, take it out”. However, if you take cancer as a sign, that something is out of balance or “out of order” can be seen as a big kick in the ass that calls: “Hello! Now finally realize that you have to change something in your life. ” and better accept cancer.
There are dozens of books on each of these topics (self-love, the inner child, conflict resolution). So it's not something that I could explain in two sentences. However, which book I can warmly recommend is “I forgive: the radical farewell to being a victim”. Of course, everyone has to go looking for a conflict solution. There are many great lectures by Robert Betz, Kurt Tepperwein, Louise Hay and many therapists who can help you with this. So the project is to find and cure the CAUSE of cancer. Basically, however, the following applies. “Conflict resolution” is never about changing other people involved. Not even necessarily talking to them to "solve conflicts". It's always about changing yourself and how to deal with situations, people, etc. Now one or the other will say “Yes, but the other one was stupid to me and behaved wrongly. He has to apologize and then I can make peace with the situation. The other should admit that he is guilty. ” The first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something “wrong” or act “wrong”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego keeps interfering and insisting on its right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. but the other one was stupid to me and behaved wrongly. He has to apologize and then I can make peace with the situation. The other should admit that he is guilty. ” The first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something “wrong” or act “wrong”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego interferes again and again and insists on his right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. but the other one was stupid to me and behaved wrongly. He has to apologize and then I can make peace with the situation. The other should admit that he is guilty. ” The first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something “wrong” or act “wrong”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego interferes again and again and insists on his right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. He has to apologize and then I can make peace with the situation. The other should admit that he is guilty. ” The first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something “wrong” or act “wrong”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego keeps interfering and insisting on its right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. He has to apologize and then I can make peace with the situation. The other should admit that he is guilty. ” The first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something “wrong” or act “wrong”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego interferes again and again and insists on his right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. “Now the first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something“ wrong ”or act“ wrong ”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego interferes again and again and insists on his right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. “Now the first thing is that most people do not maliciously do something“ wrong ”or act“ wrong ”. Everyone acts as best he or she can. Second, there is no right or wrong in the universal order. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego keeps interfering and insisting on its right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego keeps interfering and insisting on its right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. Just because we value things, we make them so. Everything is as it is. This is difficult, of course, because our ego interferes again and again and insists on his right, and of course there are simply rules in our society that you have to abide by. One sentence describes the process particularly well: change your thinking, then your feelings change and then your life. How do I get / stay healthy?
Let's come back to the question I asked my doctor at the beginning. Can I eat and do anything to help my body heal? There are a lot of foods that have an extremely positive effect on the body, as well as the opposite. For example, there is a great book "Wild Herbs - My Life Saver from Nature", which tells of Ralf Brosius, who had lung cancer in the final stage and, among other things, underwent a Panchakarma cure and is now enjoying great health. For example, turmeric is said to be good for tumors. There is also powdered chlorophyll (Battgreen), which mixed with water supplies the cells in the body with oxygen. Most will surely also know the book "Cancer cells don't like raspberries". Reducing or stopping meat consumption is also very good for the body. The same applies in general to animal products. And sugar is not only unhealthy, it also promotes cancer cell growth. So on the nutritional track alone there are already some things that can be done differently.
Beyond that, however, one should not ignore the mental area. As already described above, there are some therapists who can help you with this. If you don't know where to start, just trust your feelings and see what appeals to you. Maybe the "inner child heal" or "So I love myself"? Just be open to your own intuition (which everyone has!). For me, the aura treatments and Robert Betz were a good “door opener”. And very important: come to rest. Go inside, relaxed. Whether it's a walk, a bath or mediation. Find your way back to your original essence. Ask yourself the question "Who am I really?" To live consciously, to be aware and to listen to your intentions is nothing that was only chosen. This is our original nature and with a little time and practice everyone can come back there. I have learned this from my own experience from my illness.