Julia Sieckmann - founder of Because you are beautiful
Hello and welcome to “Because you are beautiful”! My name is Julia Sieckmann. When I was 26 , I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to deal with hair loss due to chemotherapy . After visiting a Hamburg wig studio, it was clear to me that a synthetic hair wig was out of the question. I felt disguised as if I had a helmet on and wanted so much to have my long hair back and straighten, curl and color it as before. But a human hair wig was far beyond my financial reach.
Based on this wish, I finally developed a new hair replacement, the real hair bands, which you can find on this page.
My way up to here….
Because of my creativity and my preference for painting and drawing, my path led me first into the colorful, glittering world of celebrities and the fashion industry. I worked as a make-up artist for shootings and video productions for around 10 years. A job in which you can express yourself creatively from time to time, but which is also characterized by its superficiality, pressure to perform and a large portion of ego.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my mid-20s. My job as a make-up artist was the best prerequisite for developing “Because you are beautiful” and real hair bands. But of course such a disease goes much deeper and so I went through an enormous development in the following years, learned a lot about life, self-love, relationships, soul plans, energies, psychology and spirituality. My own experiences quickly connected with Because you are beautiful and I got more and more feedback from women who shared more experiences and perspectives that gave them more courage and strength for their life situation.
I did an apprenticeship in the field of aura and energy work, another as a spiritual life coach and attended a seminar with Doreen Virtue to learn how to lay cards. All of these things enrich my life. But it is also important to take into account that we live on earth in the material world and so it is not about floating in other spheres, but drawing attention to the subtle world, creating access and then sharing it the duality of connecting the material world.
Everyone has their very own, individual life plan and yet we are all connected. I would like to empathize and stimulate thinking and introduce my own ways and directions and I am happy about everyone who feels inspired by it or whom I can give new courage and hope through my experiences. I have been living in Avalon, England for two years now and have dedicated myself to my personal and spiritual development.
As of January 2020